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17 April 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 04/17/2006
Somebody's got to help me out here.  Here's my dilemma.  I think yesterday was Easter.  At least we had an Easter dinner with all the trimmings - (Thanks Grandma J).  I even got Jello Easter eggs that ruined my supper.  Everyone was talking about Easter and what it means.  I even got a new owsiide swing that's hangs in a tree by my front door.    more...
14 April 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 04/14/2006
Mason's comin' to my house today.  I get Mommy back home.  It's Friday.  Can life get any better? I have something that nobody else in my whole family has!  Nope, it's not Mason.  Nope, it's not the mumps.  Nope, it's not even chicken pox or a million dollars. I have a new piece of clothing.  It is beautiful and black.  It is adjustable.  It has a   more...
13 April 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 04/13/2006
I went to school with my Dad today.  He goes to class in a big building.  There were lots of people all around.  There weren't many people in the class I attended.   I tried to be a good boy, but I don't understand all that legal stuff.  Stuff like z-z-z-z-z-z.  I thought that was only when you're asleep. Went went back to the hospital today.  Mom   more...
12 April 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 04/13/2006
A lot of exciting things have happened in the last couple of days.  When I woke up today, Mom and Dad and Grandma Jones were gone and Grandma Schriever was in my house.  I tried to ask where everyone was but she wouldn't answer.  All she did was feed me, let me play and make me laugh. Then this afternoon dad came and got me and we went for a ride   more...
24 March 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 03/24/2006
I didn't realize that it had been so long since I had "blogged" with you.  This growing up stuff takes more out of a little guy than you can imagine. So many things have happened since I last talked to you.  I can run all over the place.  I'm not held into my little "prison" anymore - the whole living room is my kingdom.  Mom and Dad have the   more...
Valentine's Day 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 02/14/2006
Can you believe it? Valentine's Day.  But, I don't know what a valentine is.  Let's see, if I break it down right - the first part would be VALE - according to Robin Hood that would be -  A valley, often coursed by a stream. LENT - according to Father Mulcahey that would be The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter . TINE - According to   more...
12 February 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 02/12/2006
Hi everybody!  Sorry it's been so long since I last talked to you,  but my world has grown.  I don't have to spend all my time in the front room.  Once in a while I get to explore the rest of my house (under the watchful eye of either Mom or Dad.)  I can go into the kitchen and watch everything my  parents do. I can run.  Dad and I have races all   more...
15 January 2006 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 01/15/2006
Happy New Year ! ! ! ! ! ! Has it been so long since I wrote last?  That must mean everything is going well.  I am having so much fun.  I'm walking like a pro.  I can run.  I can go in circles (I even get dizzy sometimes from going around and around and around.  I watch for every opportunity to get into anything.  (Cupboards, the bedroom, Grandma's   more...
29 December 2005 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 12/29/2005
I've been trying to figure out how to explain my feelings this week.  It's so hard for a little kid to say what he means.  But, I'll try. I have just had a wonderful time with my California family.  We had so much fun together getting ready for Chistmas and then the excitement of Christmas morning was just more than I could stand.  I must have the   more...
15 December 2005 
Posted by Ross Schriever on 12/15/2005
Well, the snow must be over for the year.  It tried to snow a little bit today, but there were only a couple of flakes and then the wind started to blow again - it was really cold. I'm trying to figure out why the suitcases are out again.  It seems every time they come out we go.  I hope we get to go again.  Let's see where would I want to go? - -   more...
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