Connor's Thoughts

Posted by Ross Schriever on 10/20/2007

If any of you have been wondering what's happenin' around here, let me take a couple of minutes to tell you:

  • The temperature has finally cooled off - it's more like Missouri only not so wet.
  • I love car races
  • Mason's getting older - do you think he will ever catch me?
  • My dad found out he passed the bar.  I'm glad he finally passed.  ( I thought we always pass bars, I've never been in one.)
  • He gets swear in next week-end.  (How come he can swear and I can't?)
  • I've been wondering why there aren't as many trees here.  And how come I never get to see deer in my backyard any more.
  • I think that's all - oh yea - I had a birthday.  I'm more than one - I'm more than two - I'm

T H R E E   Y E A R S   O L D

 How come I don't have any gray hairs?

Connor's Thoughts