Connor's Thoughts

Posted by Ross Schriever on 04/18/2006

I failed.  I've got to figure what I did wrong.  I worked hard and still couldn't make it happen. 

I found out that Grandma J was really leaving today so I worked on a plan to keep her here.  First of all I gave her the "look" - you know the one - it says "I love you, how can you leave someone as cute as I am." 

She still started packing.  Next, I acted upset.  I thought she would stay here to make me feel better. 

She finished packing.  So I put a hex on the car so it would be able to take her to the airport.  The hex didn't exactly work.  She got in the car and drove off - leaving me almost alone in the drive-way - Grandma S held me so I wouldn't chase after her.  (I think I could have chased the car down if Grandma S had let me - I'm pretty fast.)

Like I said, the hex didn't exactly work until they got to the airport.  Grandpa S took her and when they got to the airport they got out so they could unload the luggage.  When they went to the back of the car the lid was locked.  They checked the doors and they were locked and the engine was running (my hex sorta worked).

They flagged down a policeman and he said he couldn't help them but if they called the gas station they could help.  He gave them a phone number.  When they called the number it was the wrong number and didn't work.  (Grandma was going to have to come back to my house.)

Grandpa S ran into the terminal and called the service station and they got there in 5 minutes.  He opened the door and Grandma J got her bags and checked  them in at the curb check-in.  (My hex almost worked.)

Next time I'll plan it better and Grandma will get (have) to stay for four years or at least 2 weeks.

My Uncle Dylan is old enough that he'll understand.  (just kidding - next time bring him with you so you can stay longer)

By the way, Mason is getting big.  He is almost as big as he was when he was born.  I can't believe that it has almost been a week.  He sure sleeps a lot.  When can I start playing with him?

I love you Grandma and I already miss you more than you miss me.

Connor's Thoughts