CONNOR'S NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!  
Connor's news  Classic View

Posted by Charla Schriever on 03/08/2006

     We finally got some new pictures to post. We had a very nice day the other week where it was in the high 70's. A nice change from the 30's and 40's. So we took Connor outside and he was loving walking all around. Of course I had my camera and took many pictures. Also last Friday we went on re-openning day to the Independence visiter's center. They have this really cute kids play area and Connor having CF he can't go to kid play areas, but this one was brand new and we went before school got out, so it was just us. At first Connor was scared to go into the cabin, but by the end of the time there, we couldn't get him out of it. When he found the tin dishes inside the cabin , he was having too much fun to leave. I have many pictures of him there for you all to see. I also got a short video I will post when Matt has time to help with that. I also have some pictures of Matt's birthday with Connor on here. So basically I have a lot of new pictures.

       Connor is doing good for now. He has a little runny nose, but it isn't looking like it is turning into something worse. We haven't been to church in a couple weeks because 7 kids in another ward that meets in our building have RSV. I was freaking out when I heard that.. And MANY kids in our ward are sick with colds that could be RSV, so I am taking no chances. So we are praying Connor wasn't exposed to any of that. But everything else is doing good. I hope you all are doing good, I pray for you all everynight. Love to you!!!

Click on this picture to see the new ones.


Connor's news  Classic View