Connor's Thoughts  Classic View

Posted by Ross Schriever on 10/28/2006

Good morning everyone.

I think I know every word there is.  I can repeat everything that people say to me as long as it isn't over 3 syllables long.

Now that I am two years old I must be the smartest boy in the world.  (At least that's what Grandma says.)

It's getting colder here in Missouri - and it's been raining a lot the last couple of days.

Did you know that it's almost Halloween?  I'm going to be a wiggle.  Not a wiggle worm.  Not a wigwam.  Not even a Whig.  I'm going to be a WIGGLE.  I'll put up a picture after we get home so you can see what a WIGGLE is like, and how a cute WIGGLE can wiggle right into your heart.

Thursday night I built a big tower out of my Lego blocks.  It was taller than me.  It must have been twelveteen feet tall.  (Well, maybe 4 foot tall.)  It was so fun we would build it up, and I would knock it down - we would build it up and I would knock it down - we would build it up and I would knock it down -- oh well, you get the picture.

Since I have become so smart, Grandpa has decided that I can open up this page for questions and comments from you.  Since I am one of the smartest boys in the world, you can ask me any questions and I will answer it for you.  (Dylan, don't ask me about girls, yet, I'm not old enough.  In a couple of years I'll ask you about girls.)

OK, here goes, if your a member of my "crew" ask your questions. (If your a visitor (not signed up) you won't be able to ask anything.)  [To ask a question hit the "reply" button below; for some of you it might be in the upper right corner]] 

Connor's Thoughts  Classic View